Saturday, October 9, 2010

NYCC 2010: Marvel Vs Capcom 3's Official Story, 4 New Characters, and Alternate Spidey Costumes revealed!

The New York Comic-Con 2010 rages on with no signs of yielding, and it's just the perfect place for new announcements surrounding next year's much awaited crossover fighting game, Marvel Vs Capcom 3: Fate Of Two Worlds! The latest updates surrounding the title have just been "knock off your socks" news, and via the reliable gaming news source that is Kotaku, here to start things off are the 4 new characters revealed for the game!

On The Capcom side, Ghouls 'n' Ghosts protagonist Sir Arthur now joins the ranks of his fellow C-Fighters, ready to don lance and armor to take on whatever evil comes his way!

The other fellow joining their ranks will be none other than Nathan "Red" Spencer, the man with the artificial arm from the recently new "Bionic Commando" series!

On the Marvel side, two well known archvillains are going to make their presence known in the fighting domain. One is a veteran of the MvC series. He is none other than the Master Of Magnetism and leader of the Brotherhood of Mutants, Magneto!

Why, it's MODOK! The big headed evil guy created by AIM makes his debut in MvC 3 to make life hell for anyone standing in his way! After all, his name does stand for "Mental Organism Designed Only for Killing"!

Oh, and the official plot for the game has been revealed!

On a last note, Spidey gets his different costumes in this game! Now I can choose whether to play as the original Red and Blue, Black, Iron Spider, or that new "Big Time" suit that's due to appear. Spectacular!

Marvel Vs Capcom 3: Fate Of Two Worlds collides with next gen systems Next Year!

*Originally posted by Timzster and seen in The Crusader's Realm

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