Wednesday, October 6, 2010

October Toy Fest is Here!

10.06.2010 - Just that your about to get some rest from all that has happened recently at Collecticon 2010. Then suddenly three days later there's another mini-toy fest about to be held in a week from now.

I guess there's something with spending money on toys, comics and such. Meeting with friends who shares a common hobby is rarely happening these days as we got the internet to thank for.

But then again the traditional means of "meet-ups" is something to build relationship, and then again we have another event to see.
Jump in after the cut...

It will be on Oct. 16 & 17 at the Glorietta 5 Atrium 10am-9pm. Come & visit the toy sale with more than 35 booths. Great discounts from action figures, die-cast, children toys, collectibles & lots more.

Free die cast car for the 1st 200 to register for the 2 days. Free 2010 SDCC Giveaways for every purchase ( while supply last ). Every purchase is entitled to a ticket stub for raffle every hour from 12noon till 6 pm.

So what are you waiting for? Load up for the date we got ourselves a Toy Fest!

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