Saturday, October 16, 2010

Super Street Fighter IV Update: The 3DS is getting Special Move Hotkeys...

Super Street Fighter IV is getting new releases in two different platforms. One is the franchise's original home, the arcades, and the game's going to get new tweaks and characters added to its roster in the form of Yun and Yang. The other platform is the Nintendo 3DS, the new portable gaming system Nintendo is gearing for release early next year. From the trailers and screenshots released, the port looks a lot faithful to its console counterpart, with its graphics understandably scaled down to compensate for the 3DS' requirements.

However, more pressing and slightly disappointing news appears via way of Kotaku. It appears that Capcom will be giving SSFIV 3DS access to 4 hotkey slots that players can assign moves and special moves to, allowing players to dish out punishment at the press of a button. While it may sound like good news that a simplified way has come to play Street Fighter, I'm not one of those favoring this mechanic being implemented. The game of Street Fighter has always been about challenging oneself and mastering moves and combos in order to improve one's skills. This eliminates any challenge from the equation, and practically makes the game "easy mode" on the go. Fine that beginners get this option to make it easier for them, but it won't teach them how the game is played properly. You play the game the only way it should be played - either with a controller or arcade stick, and the video below demonstrates how those tried and true rules apply to skilled veterans.

SF Ryu Exhibition Video

Anyway, Super Street Fighter IV arrives in arcades this December and launches for the 3DS in Japan on February 26, 2011.

*Originally posted by Timzster and seen in The Crusader's Realm

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