Saturday, November 20, 2010

Karl Urban is the law in Judge Dredd!

11.20.2010 - A couple months back we get the news that Karl Urban (Star Trek, Red, Lord of the Rings) was cast as the new Judge Dredd. As we recall back the last Dredd film was in 1995 starring a guy named Sly Stallone.

That movie was not a pretty sight to remember, but it had its moments at that time.
Jump after the cut...

Now that we heard about the latest film here's a first look at the guy, who has one of the memorable line in comics --"I Am The Law!" Certainly you won't forget that too in the first movie.

Thanks to comic book artist Jock for tweeting this photo of Karl Urban, and sharing it with SlashFilm one might get mixed reactions. The latest incarnation of the famous British-born comic book lawman looks mighty promising.

If you haven't read the details about Judge Dredd its gonna be edgier. Probably it could surpass the original film as Producer Andrew Mcdonald mentioned, that the film will be “A very hard, R-rated, gritty, realistic movie of Dredd in Megacity, so we’ve got to get the tone right. He’s not going to take off his helmet. His bike is going to feel real. He’s going to hit people and it’s going to feel real.”

This is just the first appearance of Karl Urban as Judge Dredd we'll be seeing more updates as this film further develops.

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