Thursday, November 11, 2010

Toy Events & More News...

11.11.2010 - Toy events the past months have been in abundance since the Ber Month came along. They say in the Philippines we have the longest Holiday season from September to December and truth to be told its actuall how it is here.

From our last coverage with Collecticon 2010 and Toy Fest we where wondering if this will be a yearly thing. Last year was quite response from that with the Glorietta Park toy fair.

The previous Toy Fest was organized with the same people behind TAGCOM and Collecticon is at it again with the upcoming Hobby Expo happening on november 27, 2010.

This time around they are going to have a program, that includes Cosplays and your practically dealer tables with toys on sale. Possibly the same stuff you've been able to see in last month's Toy Fest with something new to check out.
Jump after the cut...

Hopefully there would be more choices to buy after the huge Toy Kingdom Warehouse Sale that happened this pas weekend.

On another toy related event happening before the Hobby Expo is The Great Toy Sale organized by Toy Town and specialty store 2Rats at the Eastwood Mall this Friday November 12, 2010.

Kidstation No More

Lately there where changes happening that begun this month. As you all know Kidstation the toy store you knew for the past six years cease existence, when the local franchise owners of Toys R' Us bought its rights. They replaced all the Kidstation branches with mini Toyss R' Us outlets.

So basically you got yourself a 7 Eleven kind of stores in the form of Toys R' Us here in the Philippines. Its good that the former employees of the former Kidstation was absorbed to be part of this big change.

Looks like its leveling the playing field with Toy Kingdom. Expect more changes in the next few months on how they (Toy Kingdom) will compete with Toys R' Us for store supremacy. At the end of the day its the consumers, who are winners and losers for having access to TRU VS TK stores at the same time with limited choices.

Right now more toy events happening abound, and hopefully everyone won't be broke before the actual Holiday season had begun by December.

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