Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Tron Legacy's Third Movie Trailer -- Pay Off!

11.10.2010 - Tron Legacy is a month away but we've been getting a lot of updates this past weeks.

So why not stop now and get more with its third feature trailer.
Jump after the cut...

Visually stunning and we can't wait until next month when everything is told in IMAX 3D. Though if your aching to see this trailer you should keep in mind its also giving you plot points on what to expect.

If your hard at keeping a strict policy not to see any of the trailers to avoid the spoilers, then maybe you should wait for it. Because anticipation is like a vice, that you can't quit until you get the feel for it. We've seen preview night and got to experience the insanity of it all, but for you true believers of the original film.

The ones who really follow the story of Kevin Flynn, and where it has taken us I'm sure this is going to one ride not to pass up...

Now if you've seen this trailer and wanting to see more as Disney International Pictures will bring you to this film on December 17, 2010. Do you think you can wait for that? I'm sure you can't and we mean to lose more sleep like you do now.

This is gonna be one Pay Off we can't chew.

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