Monday, August 29, 2011

USA Today talks with Jim Lee about the new DC Universe!

Within the week and whether people like or not, DC Comics will make history by bringing an end to their old continuity of comics and ushering in a new one that they have affectionately called "the new 52", which is comprised of 52 new #1 books that will release throughout the month of September and bring forth the new DC Universe. It begins this Wednesday actually with the release of Flashpoint #5 and the all-new Justice League #1, so to promote this milestone event even further, USA Today has gone ahead and conducted an interview with the artist of the latter issue and co-publisher of DC Comics, Jim Lee! Check out the embedded player to see the interview!

For more on the story, visit the source post on Comic Book Movie and USA Today!

*Originally posted by Timzster in The Crusader's Realm

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