Saturday, August 13, 2011

Video of "Batwing" being filmed for The Dark Knight Rises surfaces online!

After the previous update showcased the picture of what appears to be the "Batwing" being filmed for a scene in The Dark Knight Rises, Batman-News has updated with a post showcasing a video of the same story, with the hovercraft-like vehicle entering the Wabash Tunnel in Pittsburgh. You can check out the video below, courtesy of a Twitvid posted by one Mark Duffy. SPOILERS be here of course, so look at your own risk.

With all these leaked photos and videos coming out in the web, how can we keep ourselves surprised for Christopher Nolan's next Bat-flick? I'm sure the legendary British director has something up his sleeve, and he's always been known for his misdirection techniques. For more info on the scoop, visit the source post at Batman-News!

The Dark Knight Rises takes to theaters on July 20, 2012!

*Originally posted by Timzster in The Crusader's Realm

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