Sunday, September 11, 2011

Remembering 9/11 in Comics.

09.11.2011 - We pay tribute to the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 that brought America to realization about these terrorists’ attacks.

Remembering seeing it on CNN at 8PM (Manila Time) when the first plan just crashed to the second tower. It was fresh from our memories the loss that made this tragedy which is still fresh from our memories and for those who has lost their love ones.

The World Trade Center has been synonymous with the popular culture. The famous twin tower was depicted in the background or part of the scene in some comic books that was published over the years.

You can see it in some of the old movies prior to its destruction, and it was edited out in the first Spider-Man movie to give respect for this great tragedy. In comics after 9/11 there were several depictions we dug up online and nothing great reaction is through the images given to these art works…

We should remember what has happened 10 years ago to be a stronger community and remain vigilant against this tragedy. Remember the fallen and the real heroes who gave their lives on that September morning where everyone remembers in memory.

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