Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Viewer from Chronicle's Revelation!

02.05.2012 – Chronicle is currently playing in local cinemas right now in the Philippines. Somewhere in San Diego California our resident video blogger Mach Diesel or SMU Toys just recently watched this film. He’ll take you to his adventure when he watched this would-be sleeper hit movie.

The movie Chronicle we previously reviewed last week was something unexpected and the Philippine press media screening was held last February 1, 2012. We never expected to be one of those good films unnoticed by the movie going public.

If our previous insight didn’t convinced you to catch the film in theaters this video by Mach Diesel would probably change your mind…

Chronicle is now showing in all cinemas from 20th Century Fox and locally distributed by Warner Bros. Picture Philippines. For more of SMU Toys LIKE the Facebook Page, Subscribe to his YouTube Channel, and follow him on Twitter for more video adventures!

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