Saturday, March 10, 2012

Fully Booked: Important Update on David Finch in Manila

I'd thought I'd share this bit of breaking news to everyone who was looking forward to seeing DC Comics artist and writer David Finch in Manila from March 11, 12, and 13. Via Fully Booked's official website, here's the announcement:


David Finch in Manila Dear Customers and David Finch Fans, 

Thank you all for your enthusiasm and support for David Finch's visit! We regret to inform you that his visit to Manila this March 11-13 will no longer push through. David was already at the airport, checked-in, and ready to board the plane, when it was discovered that his passport expires in June of this year. Since a passport needs to be valid for at least 6 months to travel, David was not allowed to board the plane. 

We share your disappointment at this turn of events. Likewise, David is also regretful as he is very much excited to meet his fans here. 

David Finch will definitely still come to Manila, but at a later date. Please stay tuned for details.

UPDATE 2 From Timzster and Justice PH:

To those who read Fully Booked's announcement on David Finch,

I'm sure you've read the update by now, and it's unfortunate news indeed that the DC Comics artist won't be able to attend his scheduled tour. However, I and the rest of Gotham PH (Justice Ph) and Gotham Madness will still be in Bonifacio High Street tomorrow to make the most of things and do what we do best - suit up and entertain as the heroes we've come to admire and love reading in comics. We'll be there in full force as the Batman family and his accompanying Rogues Gallery, so expect to see the likes of The Dark Knight, Nightwing, Red Robin, Robin, Batgirl, The Joker, Harley Quinn, Scarecrow, Poison Ivy, and more.

I have been informed by Fully Booked themselves that we'll be giving some Batman stuff to those still going tomorrow. Mr. Finch may not be around, but treat it as a gathering of the local Batman cosplay community if you will, and feel free to take pictures with us if you're in the area! If any of you still want to pass by and have some fun with the family, here's a good reason to take them to Bonifacio Global City and Fully Booked tomorrow.:)

 Tim/ Timzster

UPDATE 3: (Sat 1:55pm)

Just got final word from Fully Booked on the cosplay appearance of Gotham PH (Justice Ph) and Gotham Madness. Sorry fellas, that's been postponed until the time David Finch actually visits.:(

Any developments or updates arrive, I'll post it here, and check on the official Fully Booked site for details.

*Originally posted by Timzster in The Crusader's Realm

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