Friday, March 16, 2012

Japanese Released Avengers Movie Trailer features New Scenes!

03.16.2012 – We’ve been getting tremendous promotion on the upcoming Avengers film. The toys and other merchandise related to the film have been released including licensed shirts. There’s a huge marketing invested in this movie since Merrill Lynch had award Marvel a grant back in 2005.

Now that phase one of the Marvel cinematic universe is upon us things are about to shift to the next gear as we approach in seeing the film in April 25, 2012. As you all know we’re ahead with North America and Canada in seeing this film and surely there’s a big push happening right now.

The competition goes to Marvel Entertainment in making an ambitious film and let’s hope it never gets saturated as right now there’s a Japanese trailer that came out a few minutes ago which features new scenes and Pepper Potts (played by Gwyneth Paltrow in the Iron Man film series) makes an appearance in this eye catching trailer…

Marvel’s Avengers opens in the Philippines in IMAX 3D, 3D, and 2D on April 25, 2012 from Paramount Pictures through Walt Disney Studious and Columbia Pictures.

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