Saturday, June 30, 2012

The Real World in the Amazing Spider-Man!

06.30.2012 – The Amazing Spider-Man finally debuts in Philippine cinemas on June 29, 2012 and every theater in Manila has reserved its seating up to the last full show booked. The film stars Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone, Rhys Ifans, Sally, and Martin Sheen and directed by Marc Webb from the script written by James Vanderbilt.

If you have not seen the movie please do turn away from this review as potential spoilers might ruin the anticipation in seeing this film. But if you are looking to spoil yourself then go forward and read on for some interesting tidbits regarding the movie.

Originally the film was supposed to be the fourth sequel in the Sam Raimi directed franchise but when everything did not pushed through the studio which is Columbia Pictures opted on a fresh reboot and take of the character’s beginnings.

This is not your Spider-Man that everyone thought that Andrew Garfield would portray its dark and comparisons started from the original trilogy down to Tobey Maguire’s portrayal of Peter Parker/Spider-Man. Those who have not read or followed the comic books or even had the chance to see the animated TV series won’t understand how deep the character’s origins and the comparisons should stop there.

Some would compare it to Warner Bros. “Batman Begins” which changed the way we watch superhero films and it’s still highly regarded as a template for other films which inspired to emulate.

The actors portrayal of each of their roles makes you want to say they are life-like real people living in a suburban part of New York trying to make a living. The theme is dark and how real world America is seen in the big screen. This is a character driven film of a teenager who yearns for acceptance in s society who is being as an outcast. Oscorp the company and the building is the centerpiece of the film’s scenes. Rhys Ifans portrayal of Curt Connors as the slithering Lizard and CG definitely needs more improvements for the creature to look real.

For an ordinary viewer this film is dark, brooding and dragging in its slow pace looking for more action than character development in the story then this might not be your cup of tea. But in its entirety the scenes spill out as you anticipate for the next one unknowingly that this is a very long film running at two hours and forty six minutes.

The most interesting part does not start until you see Stan Lee’s cameo where everyone’s reaction was in high praises. It may be less than five minutes but Stan Lee’s cameos in all the Marvel films are the most important part to see and this is the most yet.

Overall this is the most deserving reboot of the franchise and for anyone who has known the character in the various media over its 50 year history that is being portrayed the live action films are the best one for those who just want to be entertained. This film deserves a 9/10 rating next to the Avengers and as realistic as Spidey’s webshooters make sure you don’t leave your seats while the movie credits are rolling… It’s now The Marvel Way.

The Amazing Spider-Man now playing in theaters in 3D, IMAX 3D and 2D theaters in the Philippines from Columbia Pictures. For more of their upcoming movies visit the official website at:

Like their Official Facebook Page and join their fan contests to win exclusive prizes.

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