Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Up Tempo Adventures with Maskarado!

06.26.2012 – Maskarado an original creation of Reno Manaquis published in the newspaper tabloid “Tempo” back on February 20, 1992 during the height of the international comic book scene which paved the way for a group of artist to form Image Comics. Back in the Philippines the Filipino Komiks was almost forgotten until Manaquis was inspired to create his character.

Only a few who would remember the time Maskarado has stirred interest in the second to the last page of the newspaper tabloid. The dialogue is in Filipino native language of Tagalog and very much true to its heritage.

Currently Reno Manaquis has been busy and the last Komikon appearance would probably the first Summer Komikon in 2009. His creation may not have the makings of a kick-ass comic book compared to the current Filipino Komiks but it had its humble beginnings.

Maskarado was published under his Capsule Comics in black & white publication and he has reprinted a short version of the original Tempo adventures in his Preview Issue #0 detailing the original wearer of the “mascara” (mask) named Detective Carlos Miranda. Maskarado is super hero with super strength, speed, and flight by wearing the alien mask. There was is so much potential about this character.

The dialogue has very deep tagalong wordings that takes us back to the komiks of old in Liwayway, Pioneer, and Hiwaga Komiks to name a few. Maskarado is inspired from other western heroes of the 1990s.

Unfortunately the comic strips depicting in the newspaper tabloid of Tempo lasted only for six months ending with strip number #170 on August 24, 1992. There was no comics back then so whenever there’s a new copy of Tempo some would cut the strips and compile it.

At that time Reno Manaquis was still in college and trying to finish his thesis. It was a great run and faced a lot of changes on how to bring the character the direction he needs.

Issues #0-3 was great mixing super natural and science fiction that mirrors some of the Image Comics characters which inspired Reno Manaquis.

Maskarado was one of the early komiks revivals in the industry should be given a spotlight that only few who have followed in its original comic strip. We can say it has made some of us interested for more who acquired copies of this comic book version back during Summer Komikon in 2009.

If Reno Manaquis should stumble upon this feature the organizers of Komikon should give him an honorary tribute for his contribution in the comics industry now that his creation is now twenty years old.

It’s rare for a Filipino creation to get noticed out of the huge talents we have today. But definitely Maskarado is a great read that should be appreciated proudly introduced to younger generations.


  1. Thanks for the article! Didn't realize it was already 20 years!

  2. Thank You Reno for the comments.

    Well some of us in the team are fans of your work and the last time we saw you print your work about 2 or 3 years ago.

    We appreciate your artistry and the creations you made and hopefully see them again in the future.
