Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Warner Bros. hires Will Beall to pen "Justice League" film

In the wake of "The Avengers" hitting theaters and causing a storm of epic proportions, Warner Bros. is keen on setting their sights on finally pushing through with a "Justice League" movie. The film that supposedly puts together the World's Greatest Heroes like Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman is getting awriter according to Variety, and that's "Gangster Squad" screenwriter Will Beall.

A quote from the report reports the following:

 "... Warner Brothers quietly began getting its own all-star superhero pic back on track, tapping "Gangster Squad" scribe Will Beall to write "Justice League," based on the WB-controlled stable of DC Comics superheroes."

With Christopher Nolan's Batman saga culminating this year with the release of "The Dark Knight Rises", the time would be ripe for a Justice League movie to go ahead with a new spin on the Caped Crusader joining the ranks. Then again, 2013 sees the Superman film franchise rebooting once more with the Zack Snyder directed "Man of Steel', so one can only wonder how that will blend in with a potential JL movie.Following the route of Marvel Studios in terms of continuity and consistency would be beneficial despite having different directors on each film, so it's all up to how things are executed from this point. For more info on the story, read up the source post at Variety, Comic Book Movie, and Slash Film.

*Originally posted by Timzster in The Crusader's Realm

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