Monday, October 29, 2012

Komikon 2012: Activities & Event Coverage!

10.29.2012 – Komikon 2012 is bigger on its 8th year taking almost half the space of the lobby and occupying the function rooms for the Independent Komiks Tiangge and Komiks Kalye for special activities featuring Filipino artists making a name in the international scene.

The event is bustling with activity and the main hall is no longer as jam packed as in the previous Summer Komikon last May and the introduction of the Indieket last July. Clearly this shows that there is a market for Filipino creativity through komiks.

Komikon 2012 takes inspiration from other conventions all over the world as the organizers experience seeing how it can be done also in the country. There were new faces as well as exhibitors in this event not only related to Filipino comics but also inspired to cater to would-be merchandise for local creators in promoting their creation in another form.

Prior to purchasing your ticket at the table once you enter the lobby you will notice a table which featured three distinct non-comics related trinkets and goodies.

This particular table features Birdhouse Bakers, Happy Girl Co. and Penguin Sews promoting their side of the market which would be potential merchandise and concept for artists who plans to expand their creation to exclusive cakes, character keychain or even handmade plush toys.

Passing through the table where you purchase your ticket welcomes you to a mini-photo studio which features Rommel Estanislao’s creation in “Aztig Calendar” as the background. ZoomBurst was running “Comic Cover Photo Competition” and this is one of the affordable photo booths were you can take home a souvenir having your photo taken with the above mentioned background.

When you enter the main hall you’ll almost get lost so if you’re one of the first few people to have the First Edition of the Komikon primer as your event guide then all you need to do is where to start. For any first-timer you’ll get overwhelmed by the busy activity.

You can easily spot the stage once you enter the hall and at the front of that is the main table featuring John Zamar promoting the latest issues of Codename: Bathala, Lyndon Gregorio with his recently released Vocabolero, and Ariel Atienza with two of his latest books exclusively released for this event.

Manix Abrera for the first time is not present at Komikon 2012 and was out of town as Lyndon Gregorio claims to have taken the attention of his fans to line up at his table. There’s a cast of characters and familiar faces that stood in line to have their latest Beerkada books signed by Lyndon. Oddly enough there was even a guy wearing Bane’s mask who was there until he bought Lyndon’s works.

There are other notable attractions at Komikon 2012 and you will find it unique that Komikasi was there to launch their Flirt card game which also saw the release of the pocket size edition which can only purchase at this event.

FY shirts were also present at Komikon which was first seen during Indieket last July and they still have the parody shirts that you might find enticing to get on the next event.

Core Studios which publish Andrew Villar’s “Ambush” has a mini photo book featuring cosplayer Schindlex Maldtinni as the character portraying his creation. Julius Villanueva the creator of “Life in Progress” released one-shot indie comic in “The Deadly Fists of Lucky Patweetums: A Fistful of Beatings!

Pol Medina Jr. is a frequent guest at Komikon and you’ll never miss his table just like Manix Abrera he also have a long line of fans wanting to get his photo and signed his Pugad BAboy books. You’ll never miss Pol welcome you with a smile on his face ready to welcome his long time readers of his creation.

The Callous Comics booth who also appeared at STGCC 2012 was present and this time has a new comics collaboration in M.O.U.S.E though it’s only a preview release its something to look forward to from Doc Carlo San Juan and Pilar Nenita Esber when it comes out sometime next year.

Studio Kaiba the fast rising independent plush toy maker released its second wave of characters exclusively at Komikon with three new characters based from Dennis Crisostomo’s creations. The budding comic book artist claims that Studio Kaiba is unique and the plush toys are more geared to older audiences.

The activities on stage featured the frequent Hot Dog eating contest from Hero Hotdog, the main guests, and other surprise appearance that culminated the closing of Komikon 2012 but in-between the happenings Dr. Emil Flores, Ana Micaela Chua, and Carljoe Javier instructors from University of the Philippines who talked about their experience when they travelled to Europe last September. They represented the country which showed each of their individual paper featuring Filipino creations from the genre of Superheroes, Filipino Humor in comics, and Supernatural Horror fiction.

These are just a few of the highlights that happened Saturday and not including the surprise on stage towards the tail end of the busiest convention to end all events. Komikon 2012 is certainly evolving and the Bayanihan Center what used to be the biggest venue that can accommodate this year’s event has become smaller every time another comic convention is hosted in these halls.

Some of the most anticipated titles that were supposed to be launched at this year’s Komikon like the Crime-Fighting Call Center Agents by Kowtow Comics which was a phenomenal hit at the recent Indieket had given away preview pages. The third issue was 85% finished and will be released for Summer Komikon 2013.

The one-day affair is not enough to cover everything that’s not only about promoting the Filipino komiks industry but also crossing boundaries that relates to popular culture.

Komikon is an annual event that began in 2005 and has evolved into three distinct events for 2012. It gets bigger every year. If you plan to visit or promote your works LIKE to be a fan of the Facebook Page.

Inquire and talk to them on Twitter: @komikontweets and visit the website at:

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