Saturday, November 17, 2012

Inquirer SUPER Lifestyle Feat. Komiks!

11.17.2012 – Earlier today the latest SUPER Lifestyle feature was about Filipino Komiks and it was written by none other than Gerry Alanguilan (Elmer and Wasted) who has worked for international publishers such as DC, Marvel and Image who has an award winning book in his creation for Elmer.

Gerry has been passionate about Filipino Komiks growing up loving the culture and being part of our heritage. He wrote an article for Philippine Daily Inquirer’s SUPER Lifestyle which shares that Filipino Komiks is not dead and yes Komikon DID happen.

He talks about the resurrection of Filipino Komiks and its resurgence and Komikon making the contribution in bringing it back after its apparent death in the early 1990s. But honestly Komiks never died it just took a change thanks to the younger generation who truly appreciate the industry.

The article was shared by Gerry himself through his Facebook fan page that particular news bit is now available and most of the fans and indie artists have acquired such copy and the rest of the scanned material as you can see below…

If you missed getting a copy of the said article you have the chance to read it online from Inquirer.Net where the complete details can also be seen there.

Gerry Alanguilan is not only into creating and loves to read comics, he is also known as a Youtube sensation that he has a cult following in that particular medium. You LIKE his Facebook Fan Page and can read more of his thoughts about everyday life which of course include comics at:

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