Thursday, May 30, 2013

BTS: Guillermo Del Toro in Pacific Rim!

05.31.2013 – Pacific Rim is coming and the robot smashing get a stomping anticipation that robot fans can’t wait to see.

But with all the digital spectacle and heavy metal action lies the heart of the machine that makes this would-be blockbuster film.

You’ve seen the recent trailer that showed Manila as one of the places that had the monsters had the first crack at destroying.

Guillermo Del Toro the writer, producer and director of this film shares his insights and behind the scenes in making this gigantic action thriller that definitely screams big robots smashing it out with big monsters. The sets where huge just like any film that has something to do with giant robots or visuals that define any genre it has to be good. Pacific Rim takes inspiration from Japanese monsters and ass kicking robots which are evident in its element.

Del Toro certainly knows how to get his audience excited who grew up with these elements that brought this film into reality.

Certainly is something worth watching once it hits cinemas and definitely the curiosity behind the scenes must get you wondering how they build these massive sets. Well worry not Guillermo Del Toro himself will tell you how this film how it was made…

Opening across the Philippines in July 11, 2013 in 3D, 2D and regular theaters, “Pacific Rim” will be distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures, a Warner Bros. Entertainment Company.

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