Friday, June 7, 2013

Nokia Exclusive Man of Steel Trailer!

06.07.2013 – Man of Steel is dominating this week with a long line of promotions from TV spots, trailers and merchandises that DC Entertainment and Warner Bros. Studios is pushing in making this possibility to be the superhero film of the year.

Speaking of promotions Nokia has just unveiled their exclusive trailer revealing never before scenes and Hans Zimmer’s score definitely describes a tease that will surely anticipate everyone to line up in cinemas all over the world.

Definitely this is not your father’s Superman film or even the comic book character you knew. There was not much dialogue in the Nokia Exclusive trailer only the haunting music that makes this different to the previous Superman films. It contradicts the personality that everyone has gotten accustomed to seeing.

If you think some scenes would make a potential spoiler we discourage you to watch this but if you just want to see the visuals aided by that score by Hans Zimmer by all means…

“Man of Steel” opens across the Philippines on June 12, 2013 in IMAX 3D, Digital 3D and regular theaters and is distributed worldwide by Warner Bros. Pictures, a Warner Bros. Entertainment Company.

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