Saturday, August 10, 2013

First Look: The Original Star Wars!

08.10.2013 – Star Wars Episode VII is still in production and that won’t happen until 2015. But Dark Horse Comics is not resting their laurels for you to wait but to look back at the beginning in what has become the biggest space opera this side of science fiction.

Dark Horse Comics has pulled all out the original screenplay of Star Wars from George Lucas’ archive what the famous space adventure should have been.

There are some of the elements made it to the final product and the rest was history. But what if it came out as what Lucas originally intended? Dark Horse Comics certainly has put up something for the longtime fans to read it in comic book format which will be coming out in September 2013.

The eight part comic book mini-series will certainly give you an idea what Star Wars in an alternate universe would look like if the screenplay remained untouched in this trailer…

The Star Wars is based from the rough-draft screenplay of George Lucas featuring the iconic characters you came to know in their original appearance to be released in on September 4, 2013. For more details LIKE Dark Horse Comics on Facebook!

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