Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Sights & Highlights: Kick-Ass 2 PH Press Media Screening!

08.13.2013 – Kick-Ass 2 the sequel to Mark Millar and John Romita Jr.’s hit comic book series is finally is coming out kin the big screen. The much awaited film had a special press media screening at the newly renovated cinema at the Promenade Mall.

The upcoming film in the Philippines is taking advantage of the first Dolby Atmos sound of the theater even though Kick-Ass 2 is not using it. The invited press got to experience the sound technology by seeing upcoming films that’s using Dolby Atmos at the same time seeing how the theater shows the difference.

The special press screening for Kick-Ass 2 made almost half of the lounge area looked like a party for the street vigilante complete with chocolate cupcakes that have photos of each character for the film even having two cosplayers suited up as Kick-Ass and Hit Girl to have a photo souvenir for the event.

After everyone got settled inside the cinema they also raffled off five shirts and special goodies as well as an original copy of Kick-Ass 2 graphic novel by Mark Millar and John Romita Jr.to lucky winners and here some of the photos taken from last night…

Kick-Ass 2 opens on August 14, 2013 in Philippine cinemas from Universal Studios to be distributed by Solar Entertainment!

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