Monday, November 11, 2013

Bernedict Cumberbatch Impersonates Chewbacca!

11.11.2013 – Benedict Cumberbatch’s career is on the rise with his performance in BBC’s Sherlock still gaining a cult following. But his role as Khan in last summer’s “Star Trek Into Darkness” definitely put him in a bigger spotlight.

Then you got him to voice the giant dragon in the upcoming film in The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug. Last October 19th he was a guest at Graham Norton Show along with Harrison Ford talking about Star Wars

In one scene during the guesting that he mentioned trying to impersonate some personalities and some interesting characters… But not a certain creature that would surprise Harrison Ford in a familiar that takes him back during the set of the original Star Wars Trilogy…

See Benedict Cumberbatch's much-talked-about Chewbacca Impression during the airing of the episode of The Graham Show. Check your local cable operator for showtimes and availability in Asia.

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