Thursday, November 21, 2013

Elbert Or's Manosaur!

11.21.2013 – Manosaur is an experimental comic book from Elbert Or the creator of the series Bakemono High which appears on the monthly K-Zone Magazine. Now on its second issue Manosaur has more dinosaur friends appearing in the series.

The first issue was released during Summer Komikon and it was originally targeted for very young audience for its kid-friendly humor. Manosaur is a combination of two words in Man and Dinosaur which getting a cult following after Komikon 2013.

Manosaur is a Tyrannosaurus Rex who survived the extinction of his species, and started to live in the human civilization like the common working class man. The dialogue is in English and if you haven’t heard about the new series from Elbert Or here’s three reasons this comic book might appeal to you…


The series was originally made for younger kids, but due to Manosaur’s nature as a dinosaur that lives in a man’s world, who would notice him for being an extinct species?

It’s a plethora of “what if” situations that focuses on one surviving dinosaur telling his daily life. Like how can dinosaur wear glasses? Or how can he fit in a car to drive all the way to the office?

The concept may not be as complicated and dramatic as you think, but Manosaur has an appeal that casual readers can understand. It also plays an imagination of curiosity for Elbert Or, who thinks there are a lot of stories to be explored with this character.


Originally Manosaur is just a black and white comic book about a slice of life telling a story about a dinosaur as an ordinary person. But turns out when second issue came out he decided to make it also into a coloring book.

Elbert mentioned that some of his reader who bought the first issue (mostly kids) had colored their copies of Manosaur thinking it was an activity book too.

When he heard about that he decided to lessen the details, and shades of the artwork into just simple lines that everyone can add color to the pages. Until now the book is considered an experiment that keeps evolving that catches a casual reader’s appeal.


The book mostly focuses on Manosaur and his expanded family of dinosaurs, but there’s one more character that will catch some attention. This character is Corgi the dog who first appeared in the last pages of the first issue.

He’s not actually Manosaur’s nemesis but he’s like what Garfield is to Odie only cuter. By any means of cuteness that would attract not only kids, but casual women who reads comic books.


Manosaur has only two issues already and having a cult following. There were some people who bought copies who asked Elbert to do commission sketches during Komikon 2013 and it never occurred to him what they would request.

There were a lot of people who requested Elbert to sketch like Spider-Man, Batman, and other superhero characters. What surprised him is that they want a “Manosaur” Spider-Man or a version of Superman. There was one who requested to do a “Manosaur” version of his friend.

But the funniest request he revealed was John Travolta as a Manosur, which was the only commission sketch was left that the person who requested didn’t pick up. He was overwhelmed by the idea that Manosaur is getting quite an attention.

He said will continue to experiment and the last copy was even sold out that day. Manosaur is available in Philippine comic book shops in Metro Manila for PhP 100.00 pesos.

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