Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Loki: "I Pushed You with My Bare Hands!"

11.05.2013 – Tom Hiddleston is on the spotlight once again with his character Loki has become an icon. The adopted son of Odin sat with some children to talk about whose better: Thor or Loki?

Of course the mischievous Loki would expect the answer will be about his adoptive brother. Tom Hiddleston complete with his Loki costume was at Comedy Central to promote the upcoming Thor: The Dark World in US cinemas.

The Fraternal nemesis of Thor is featured in this short clip talking to young kids and this video debuts in the US tomorrow and see the trickster god as his best…

Thor: the Dark World is now currently showing in Philippine cinemas and has already become a box office hit. The film hits US theaters on November 8, 2013 and for more updates LIKE Thor on Facebook!

[SOURCE: Popwatch EW]

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