Thursday, November 28, 2013

Where Bold Stars Go To Die!

11.28.2013 – When you talk about “Where Bold Stars Go to Die” it sounded less of a porn related to title and more of a world that you want to know where they went. This was Gerry Alanguilan’s next independent comic book project after Elmer.

From talking chickens to bold stars and when you hear those words nudity comes to mind. Because back then old Filipino komiks have adult related titles, but this one is not cheap and definitely for adults only that address the subject matter seriously with respect.

Prior to its release in 2009 Gerry had mentioned that the project took him nine years in development. He found the right artist in fellow architect in the late Arlanzando “Arlan” Esmeña, whose only debut artwork gave life to this one-shot story before he passed away in early 2010. Arlan had potential and he definitely gave “Bold Stars” the definitive identity to the book.

Gerry has been developing the story as far back in the early 2000s paying tribute to the “bomba komiks” from the 1960s and 1970s written with utmost credibility. “Bomba” means “nude” in Filipino that would be soft-core actor and actresses who worked in sex films. Those types of movies like “Wild Orchid” would be considered “bold star” in the Philippines. It may look controversial when you read it, but for those who have artistic taste and mature understanding about the subject will definitely give its respect richly deserved.

The story is focused on Daniel the protagonist who has this passion for a former soft-core actress in the Philippines. It has a tender haunting portrait of obsession and intimacy that few tend to shy away honest, non-exploitive portrayals of sexuality. It’s a slice of life that happens for some in reality.


What makes “Bold Stars” stand out is not the mature content or the controversial elements that grabs your attention. Its Arlan Esmeña’s splash page of the scenery and background that he put so much detail it can stand side by side with the greats.

You can’t compare Esmeña’s work to the current ones making their names in the international scene, but even though he is no longer around the work that made this book stand out will never be forgotten.


Gerry compiles the best from the past, present and future of local talents who put their stamp on the book with their own art featuring of course the women.

Francis V. Coching’s original illustration from 1949 certainly won’t be forgotten being known as “The Dean of Philippine Comics” having this pin up appears in the book for the first time. Then you got two more artworks by Arlan Esmeña that puts his talent up there.

Among the contributors you got Leinil Yu, Arnold Arre, Ed Tadeo, Gilbert Monsanto, Philip Tan, Carlo Pagulayan, Brice Beckham, Carlo Vergara and also the late Toni DeZuniga.


The future seems brighter for the book now it’s getting an international release. The story about love, loneliness and obsession is getting new life through SLG publication, the publisher that brought ELMER to the international scene. Gerry was featured in an interview from SLG publication a few months back regarding his next work, which is “Where Bold Stars Go to Die.” It’s going to be a test how people would react once this book gets an international release.

The new print will be released in December and it will have an additional pin-up by Harvey Tolibao. This will also include a tribute for the late Arlan Esmeña.

“Where Bold Stars Go To Die” by Gerry Alanguilan and Arlan Esmeña with a cover price of $7.95 US for MATURE READERS and CONTAINS NUDITY coming in December 2013 from SLG Publishing.

For more details LIKE SLG Publishing on Facebook and follow on Twitter at: @slgpublishing

LIKE Gerry Alanguilan on Facebook and follow on Twitter at: @Komikero

For upcoming signings and daily blogs visit Gerry’s Official website at:

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