Monday, December 9, 2013

15 Best Toy Photography for November 2013!

Photo by Budi Susanto
12.09.2013 – Toy Photography has become an art form on its own, and many individuals have taken to the new concept of “toy shooting” as a hobby. The ever growing interest continues to grow and expand with different ideas undefined.

There has already been a growing community that cultivates and supports the talent behind this idea. The group firmly supports and stay fresh and creative to their endeavors each month by coming up with monthly themes. For this month 15 creative individuals has given the spotlight and shared interesting images that you might find inspiring…

For those who have no idea what Toy Photography is maybe you can check out the next fourteen images that you might find the interesting in taking up a hobby…

Photo by Darwis Lim

Photo by Arvin Trinidad
Photo by Bryan German
Photo by Marlo Demo-os

Photo by Oscar Andi

Photo by Jan Michael Manzanero
Photo by Mark Gatus

Photo by Raffy Panganiban

Photo by Reuben Porto
Photo by Photoygrapher Ryan G

Photo by Scher Padilla

Photo by Vincent Mamburam
Photo by Vince Tan Maling

Photo by Zach Daro

Toy Photography is a community based in the Philippines, but does not limit its members to one particular country. The group has been featured on television several times, and has inspired some photography hobbyist to take up the growing interest.

For more of the monthly featured “toy shooters” LIKE the official Toy Photography Facebook page or follow Toy Photography on Twitter at: @ToyPhotography

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