Thursday, December 26, 2013

37 Christmas Themed Toy Photography!

Photo By Ethan Ku
12.26.2013 – There are talented individuals out there that excels through using a digital camera to bring their artistry to life.

A local community from Toy Photography has shared the passionate ones that show their true potential in bringing toys to life.

The community has expanded not only in the Philippines but throughout the world. Some have been featured having their own exhibits.

There a select few who gets noticed for their passion that some toy manufacturers invited them turning their works into a marketing campaign for them to become more than just a collectible product.

For this Christmas Season the community at Toy Photography focused on the theme for the holidays. There have been many submissions but they have trimmed down the best images that would define the holiday season into a complete art form.

The opportunity to visit the place was certainly something feast for the eyes. Though for a foreign shopper you can’t put price in the value that they have in their product. It’s what makes this shop unique for having authentic collectibles mostly made out of wood.

There are 37 images that made it for the Christmas themed Toy Photography and you might be one of those members who made it and here are those chosen ones…

Photo by Jaytee Jimenez

Photo By Robert Tanaka
Photo by Zi Xian

Photo By Detremier Villones
Photo By Ian Capara

Photo By Chad Senga

Photo by Sheng "Kixkillradio" Gonzales
Photo By Sheng "Kixkillradio" Gonzales

Photo By Etienne Denys

Photo By Amily Lau
Photo By Ash Abril

Photo By Darwis Lim

Photo By Bambang Musjono
Photo By Charlie Ng

Photo By Edwin Tangal

Photo By Efendi Lo
Photo By Edwin Tangal

Photo By Envenado Conejo

Photo By Frederick Tan
Photo By Hafiz Skyraven

Photo By Kiza MEzame

Photo By Jan Michael Menzanero
Photo By Luckyforlife Young

Photo By Martin Philip Jamoralin

Photo By Luckyforlife Young
Photo By Marlo Demo-os

Photo By Nicholas Law

Photo By Mimi Ribonita
Photo By Rainier Arenas

Photo By Sergio Bernabe

Photo By Sam Conley
Photo By Scher Padilla

Photo By Rainier Arenas

Photo By Scher Padilla
Photo By Tzee del Rosario
Photo By Gim Seongyeong

Toy Photography is a community based in the Philippines, but does not limit its members to one particular country. The group has been featured on television show segments, and has inspired some photography hobbyist to take up the growing interest.

For more of the monthly featured “toy shooters” LIKE the official Toy Photography Facebook page or follow Toy Photography on Twitter at: @ToyPhotography

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