Monday, February 24, 2014

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Second Trailer!

02.24.2014 – Marvel is rolling movies starting next month with Captain America from their studio and Sony follows up with the Amazing Spider-Man 2, which is getting new promos from dropping the ball in New York Time Square to Earth Hour this March.

Peter Parker looks like having his hands full now that he’s coming back from the dead in the comic books via his re-launched series. Now Columbia Pictures has a new trailer…

The new trailer features new scenes including the images of Gwen Stacy in peril. The visual Marc Webb delivers in her sophomore direction of this film is getting better. It seems Spider-Man will be in good hands with Columbia Pictures for a while that has everyone giving Andrew Garfield the credit for his portrayal of the web crawler.

Columbia Pictures Philippines just released a new trailer in their Facebook page, that is getting a lot of positive vibes and if you haven’t seen it check this out…

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 opening in the Philippines on April 30, 2014 from Sony Pictures locally distributed by Columbia Picture Studios. For more upcoming films LIKE Columbia Pictures Philippines on Facebook!

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