Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Marvel at 75 as Narrated By EIC Axel Alonso!

03.05.2014 – Marvel Comics is celebrating its 75th Anniversary all year round. If you have been picking up titles from the House of Ideas you’ll see some variant covers that has its anniversary logo somewhere that says 75 years.

Having been successful in the films and television Marvel is celebrating the 75 and what way to bring its anniversary with upcoming announcements which includes the occasional surprises...

Axel Alonso the current Editor in Chief for the comic book publication narrates this interesting trailer that says about the rich history of the brand. Marvel has been rolling in good stride producing the best comic book titles, blockbuster films and a hit television series. They are also making interesting videogames too as their 75th anniversary slowly close in this years seems bigger than ever.

After being acquired by Walt Disney in 2009 Marvel slowly becomes a power house with its successful movie franchises that clearly cemented the brand and continues to bring quality not only in the films and other media platforms but also from its roots namely the comic books that first shared the stories from Marvel Universe.

Now hear more about the history from Editor in Chief Axel Alonso who narrated this short video in marking its anniversary…

Marvel is celebrating 75 years and to continue its big anniversary all year you can learn more about it, visit:

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