Thursday, March 27, 2014

X-Men: Days of Future Past Poster & Global Trailer Released!

03.27.2014 – The previous teasers for X-Men: Days Future Past mostly focuses on the characters that are part of this big film ensemble. It’s a reunion and at the same time assembling their own “Avengers” to battle a mutant extinction they might not win.

Bryan Singer returns in the director chair far removed from seeing the development of the X-Men franchise since the second film.

Anyone knew the history behind it and now poised to bring back the glory days with Days Future Past that seems to be darker than the previous mutant story to date.

If The Wolverine is the pinnacle that pushed the popularity of the famous X-Man, then Days Future Past is the main course on the dinner table that fans have been waiting since X-Men First Class re-igniting the new interest in the franchise.

20th Century Fox not only released the second trailer for the upcoming X-Men film, but also revealed a new theatrical poster that featured all the characters involved in the film. The poster should surprise you how they will bring the tone of Days of Future Past, and fans who have the first glimpse of this poster had a mixed reaction.

But the latest trailer should keep everyone in the same page as it appears to be something for everyone to look forward to once the film hits theaters in tow months.

“X-Men: Days of Future Past” will open in Philippine cinemas nationwide on May 21, 2014 from 20th Century Fox to be distributed by Warner Bros.

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