Sunday, May 25, 2014

Big Wow! Comic Fest 2014: Square Headz™ Designer Art Toys!

05.25.2014 – Square Headz™ by LLLC (La-La Land Crafts) which had a booth at this year’s Big Wow! Comic Fest and featured some eye catching designer art toys. They specialize in combining paper craft and vinyl art style custom toys.

There’s not much history how they started but the product was introduced sometime early this year. It’s an inspiration by an existing paper craft and taking some design perspective from existing vinyl designer toys. Then you got something new ways to customize your own Square Headz™ into the vision what they can become.

This might be Square Headz™ first exhibit as one of the booths participating in the recently concluded Big Wow! Comic Fest, where they reveal and launched some of their exclusive designer art toys to visitors who had the chance to purchase their kits that were customized their own creations.

For those who are curious what Square Headz™ looks like here are some images taken during the two-day comic convention can be seen below:

Square Headz™ also provided a tour of their booth during Big Wow! Comic Fest if you happen to miss making the visit last weekend. They appear challenging at the same time when you get into this might be addicting too.

The tour features not only the products, but also a mini-workshop who are interested to put their Square Headz™ during the comic convention.

Square Headz™ is available online which includes details about the kit and tutorials how to customize your own creation. For more about the product LIKE Square Headz™ on Facebook and subscribe to the YouTube Channel!

Visit the site for more products at:

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