Saturday, May 10, 2014

Elektra #1: Bloodlines!

05.10.2014 – It’s been almost 13 years ago since Marvel had produced an Elektra series under the ‘Marvel Knights’ line. Its one of the most interesting series ever since Elektra has a spin off mini-series back in the 1980s.

The new series doesn’t have the same noise as its earlier predecessor that lasted lest than a hundred issues. But this one surely has the grit and edge that has been missing since its original spin off title. This time Elektra goes back to her old roots as an assassin for hire.

It’s interesting how Frank Miller’s creation has evolved from being the lover of Daredevil to a team player in the Thunderbolts. There’s something more to explore about Elektra Natchios and going back to her roots is like a homecoming without the party crashers.

W. Haden Blackman and Michael Del Mundo is the new creative team handling this new series and their off the races giving a compelling narrative without too much details. Elektra has been around since her resurrection in the 1994 story arc ‘Fall from Grace’ and after that there were spin off mini-series and then followed by the 2001 Marvel Knights series that lasted thirty five issues.

From hear and out Ms. Natchios has been appearing in some Marvel book either it had something to do with Wolverine or having a weird relationship with Frank Castle while Deadpool being dumped in Thunderbolts. But the character for all its popularity had lost its focus not until Marvel put up a new series taking her back to who she was.

Matt Murdock will always be connected to Elektra and that will never change. But she is not the hero everyone thinks. The woman is the deadliest assassin and it’s only a scratch of the surface that was fully explored. Now she gets her second chance in this new series that tells her past and what is she going to deal with in the future.

Michael Del Mundo’s art style makes Elektra like his own character in the why she is represented. There are no clean lines but Del Mundo takes the character from the days of her second mini-series by Bill Sienkewicz in 1986.

The new series brings her back to being the cold blooded assassin and mercenary, which is good timing to explore the character for new readers in getting to know her. The first issue doesn’t say much on the direction. But surely for those looking for a series that’s new and doesn’t attract too much mainstream Elektra must be the book to pick up.

Overall Elektra #1 is straight forward story that have emotional crossroads for the character. Established fans would definitely pick this up while new readers might get turn off for not following some titles connected to her. But the story is precise and easily to follow without the need to god back and dig out the previous series.

It’s a good read for those who just like a direct to the point narrative and this one handled it perfectly.

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