Saturday, May 31, 2014

Movie Review: Edge of Tomorrow!

05.31.2014 – Edge of Tomorrow is an interesting science fiction film that has time travel as part of its narrative, which weaves into something more than your usual ‘ground hog day.’ There are things unexplained for what Major William Cage is experiencing.

In the trailers it mostly tells you he’s re-living the same day over and over, but there is something more that’s not telling the movie. This is the reason why everyone is talking about the film for those who had the privilege to see it first hand.

For every film that delve3s into time travel it makes you wonder if it’s real or not. But living the same day repeatedly is like a punishment, that you’re unaware of. The original Japanese graphic novel has almost same premise, but with a different title and ‘All you need is kill’ sounds like its not taking Cage to that same place.

Actually Major William Cage had a Japanese name, and the rest as they say deviates from how it’s portrayed in a big budget soon-to-be blockbuster film.

Edge of Tomorrow is not only a Tom Cruise film its an equal billing with the talented Emily Blunt who has films also involved time traveling ever hear of the ‘Looper?’ Pretty much she portrays Rita with savagely talented skill in dealing with these alien invaders known as ‘mimics’ that looks like an angry Christmas light ornament hell bent in destroying the human race.

If you’ve seen the movie trailers and teaser Rita also mentioned to Cage to find him when he wakes up. What? She also experienced the same thing that’s happening to Cage? Well ‘what happened to me also happening to you’ and that’s something that caught some sci-fi fans something to look forward to when it hits cinemas next week.

The pacing was great… Again, again and again in something that was used by another film in a fresh take. Edge of Tomorrow already showed you what’s the action would be and who they are up against. But beneath that synopsis is something fans will truly need to see when it’s already out. There’s an interesting twist for a film that’s getting a good word of mouth.

Overall Edge of Tomorrow is going to be a sleeper hit for its visual narrative as wells as intense suspenseful action that Tom Cruise delivered and Emily Blunt getting a razor sharp performance. Fast paced infectious science fiction adventure that truly deserves a second look when you see it on June 5, 2014 from Warner Bros International Pictures.

The film earns an A+ or 9 out of 10 rating from it ecstatically shock & awe kind of action film rarely seen both visual and actors performances while having a good narrative makes it for a good film to see.

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