Monday, May 26, 2014

Secret Fresh: Testing Testing | FETISH.

05.26.2014 – Secret Fresh recently had another successful back to back launch titled “Testing Testing” featuring the father and son team of Fabo & Miles Fabonan.

The exhibit takes you to their first collaborative exhibit featuring women.

While the other side of the gallery delves into Sin, Fallacy, and Immortality by any other word: FETISH. This features four talented artists in Waldy Chavez, RMBT, Dan Montevilla and Jim Magat.

Recently Secret Fresh continues their back to back streak of art launches dating back to the newly renovated art gallery, where Gallery 1 and 2 is now located at the ground floor of the Ronac Art Center.

It’s been two weeks since Vader Boy was launched, which was the only event that happened during “May The Fourth Event” and yet it seems rather like it was yesterday. The art gallery launch was crowded once again having two galleries featuring six talents under one roof and Secret Fresh is just warming up your summer.

Testing Testing

The collaboration between Fa Bo and Miles Fabonan is their first work together, which debut at Secret Fresh takes you into a realm of women in their the comfort zones and discover uncomfortable truths in their first collaborative exhibit.

If you can’t picture out what they are trying to express in this gallery you may want to check out these images taken Sunday night.


Parent guidance is needed before you view these images from the gallery that express sin, fallacy, immortality and fetish as the content you’re about to view is obviously for adults. But for those who have an open mind this gallery won’t give you any malice as Waldy Chavez, RMBT, Dan Montevilla and Jim Magat share their perspective below:

Testing Testing and FETISH will be on exhibit for the next two weeks at Secret Fresh Gallery 1 and 2 located at the ground floor of Ronact Art Center along Ortigas Ave. For more inquires about the featured works LIKE Secret Fresh on Facebook, follow on Twitter at: @FreshManila

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