Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Westeros Philippines: 2nd Year Anniversary Fan Gathering!

I've been a fan of Game Of Thrones ever since the first season of the HBO adaptation made it's way around social media sites. I saw the first episode then read the books after, got the husband hooked and the rest was history. 

I came across Westeros Philippines on social media and I'm really glad to have been able to attend the 2nd Year Anniversary of Westeros Philippines- Fan Gathering. Until then, I've only been interacting with members online and it's really nice to get to meet them all in person ^_^

Tao ba to? 
It was interesting to meet fans of Game Of Thrones (either from watching the TV series or from reading the books) that come from different walks of life. Some were just in High School, I have to be honest I actually have mixed feelings about 'kids' in High school reading and watching Game Of Thrones but I guess that's better than reading those Wattpad novels. Besides Shakespeare has some pretty dark themes too and we discussed a lot of Shakespeare in English class in High School ^_^ Of course there were also those who like us are already working, we also had some Game Of Thrones Cosplayers in the group :)

The festivities and activities then commenced, first with an introduction of every one in the group, then on to Westerosi Henyo which, as the name suggests is the super fun trivia game with Game Of Thrones questions of course! :p I have to say though that Paul and I didn't do so good and I'm ashamed to say that I did worse in A Quiz Of Thrones too!

I should have done some reviewing before the event :p In my defense it's already been a couple of years since I read the books around 2012 I think so I am pretty rusty. Will definitely do a crash course before the next fan gathering! 

There was also some pretty heated and revealing (spoilers) discussions on favorite fan theories. Sure beats the mundane rumors and grapevines of who's dating who or who is no longer a couple among celebrities. 

I have to say a big thank you to our generous sponsors for the awesome Game Of Thrones goodies that were given away as Prizes! 

They gave away some cool sponsored prizes like this set of A Song Of Fire And Ice books. I'm glad to see that fans who haven't read the books wanted to win the set ^_^ 

It's just too bad that Paul and I had to leave right away because of work, will definitely look forward to the next Fan Gathering- maybe a screening party of Season 5? :) 

Click HERE for More Photos

Don't forget to like the Fecebook Page! PCheng Photography 

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