Saturday, February 21, 2015

Caroll Spinney is Big Birdman!

02.21.2015 – There are parodies that are immediately forgotten, but there some just makes the right fit. Caroll Spinney is the original “Birdman” or that grouchy green-haired monster from the rubbish bin.

In reality Caroll Spinney has been the voice of Big Bird & Oscar since taking the job as the puppetee when Sesame Street first aired almost 46 years. Now they parodied “Birdman” just about right which is nominated for 9 Academy Awards.

Big Bird is the face of Sesame Street even Oscar included which defined most of Caroll Spinney’s career and its welcoming to see how they do a parody of one scene in “Birdman” which was quite entertaining as Spinney himself here:

Its unexpected virtue of orange pants, which kind of touching how Caroll Spinney pays tribute doing a Birdman spoof and yes he’s indeed “Big Birdman.”

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