Monday, April 27, 2015

Convergence Signing Event with Stephen Segovia!

04.27.2015 – DC Comics big event Convergence will change their universe and it has been received positively that the first issue was sold out. The first issue featured Filipino artists Carlo Pagulayan and Michael Jason Paz.

Both artists had a signing event in the Philippines making stops to three comic shops and this time its Stephen Segovia’s penciled the third issue, which also featured Michael Jason Paz’s inks is also present during this recent event.

Last Sunday Stephen Segovia was with Michael Jason Paz at Comic Odyssey in the Fully Booked branch signing the 3rd issue of Convergence as well as accepting commission sketches from their fans and regular customers of the store.

Stephen Segovia’s latest work since doing Redhood & the Outlaws #28 is back and this time at the helm as one of the rotating artists handling DC Comics’ Convergence event. He’s with Michael Jason Paz along with support from family, friends and also Carlo Pagulayan. The usual event have fans lined up to get their Convergence books signed as well as past works from previous publishers.

Comic Odyssey’s Giveaway

Stephen Segovia was not only there to sign and do sketches but also gave away original comic pages that where raffle off. Carlo Pagulayan also gave one for this event where everyone was gunning for to own at least one of the three pages.

The turn out was exhilarating and tense when Comic Odyssey started picking up names for the winners. Just like the past signing events this has become a ritual to regular customers and followers of the artists who stayed up until they started giving away the prizes which definitely something new into comics would look forward to.

One Hundred Peso Back Issues

Besides giving way prizes and having organized signed events. Another part of this experience is that Comic Odyssey has been gracious with discounting their back issue bins to PhP 100.00 pesos each instead of the regular sticker price.

That’s something for those tracking back issues as Comic Odyssey has a huge library of these old titled dating back to the 1980s and a few 1970s. It’s certainly a convenient to long time fans as well as those who are new to reading comic books to take advantage of this every signing event featuring a local or international artists.

For more announcements of events and other inquiries LIKE Comic Odyssey on Facebook and follow on Twitter at: @ComicOdyssey

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