Sunday, April 19, 2015

Star Wars Rebels Season 2 Trailer Reveal!

04.19.2015 – The Star Wars Celebration did not begin and end with “The Force Awakens”, which was live-streamed in 23 countries having seen in 35 cinemas was not enough to put the excitement with all the reveals.

There was also that panel featuring the voice actors for that little known series called “Star Wars Rebels” which made an impression to wards its last episode in the first season with a surprise reveal of its own.

It’s indeed a great time to be a Star Wars fans not only with the classic films and its upcoming “The Force Awakens”, but also its expanded worlds that tells more stories from a galaxy far far away that has become a community of passionate individuals this side of planet Earth.

Star Wars Rebels was also well received during its initial 13 episode run that have some reveals and what to expect in the coming second season. There are so much to take in if you have religiously followed each episode that takes place five years before Star Wars Episode IV: A Ne Hope. The surprises kept on coming now that Ahsoka Tano one of the characters from Star Wars: The Clone Wars was revealed in the last episode of the first season.

But the trailer for season 2 is becoming bigger now that your favourite Rebels are not just fighting for the Lothal system and Darth Vader will be all over it, which include two new Sith Lords will on our heroes’ tails.

Though rest assured they will have help on their side with that further revelations shown in the trailer what would be Captain Rex, Hondo and the Clone Troopers survived the “Order 66” programming. There was no further explanation but it will be all explained when the second season airs this summer in the US.

This season 2 will have a bigger scope with the narrative not only focuses on the Ghost crew, but also the supporting characters that will be appearing in the series.

Star Wars Rebels season 2 will be aired on Disney XD and Disney Channels in the US this summer check your local cable operator for availability in Asia and Europe.

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