Saturday, May 2, 2015

CW The Flash: "Grodd Lives" Extended Trailer!

05.02.2015 – The Flash is inching closer to its season finale and if you haven’t been following the series it gets interesting. True loyalties have formed and the real menace is revealed since the seeds have been planted since the pilot episode.

Gorilla Grodd, the ape which escaped its cage has been lingering in the shadows for quite sometime which leads to the next episode.

This is no coincidence that he’s aiding Eobard Thawne who took the face of S.T.A.R. Labs’ Dr. Harrison Wells.

If you’ve seen “The Trap” last week and can’t get enough how the story has unravelled don’t forget that Eobard is one step ahead of the good guys because who would not forget that “Grodd Lives!”

There has been no other interesting villain The Flash has encountered in the series aside from the Reverse Flash that would catch your attention. Gorilla Godd in the comic books is a very formidable foe to Barry Allen and if the teaser trailer shared by The CW Network was not enough to rattle your cage then you should watch this:

The Flash series is aired Tuesday nights 8/7 central on the CW in the US. For more of the show and future updates LIKE CW The Flash on Facebook and follow on Twitter at: @CW_TheFlash

Details of the show can be visited at:

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