Saturday, August 1, 2015

Toy Photography TEN Best Picks: July 2015!

08.01.2015 – Last month’s TEN Best Picks gathered for July 2015 has more submissions than its recent ones. It shows that there are passionate about photography out there not just using toys as a subject, but those who really like to capture images.

This evident to those who have been consistent about their subject and the simple approach based upon integrating toy characters into real-life situations through the use of forced perspective in carefully crafted scenes, which defined the interest around it.

Toy Photography is slowly becoming a ‘mainstream’ interest but as defined by each individual. The recent submissions have been interesting, and the selections are quite challenging how they defined their toys used to produce a ‘One Picture Narrative.’

But for those who are getting “a hang of it” have already established how to tell their story using one subject in one single shot depends on which toy is being used.

Just like in the past this is not ranked and here are the TEN Best Picks for July 2015:

Photo by Jerome Perico

Photo by Matt Ferries

Photo by Cis Montecillo

Photo by Oli De Guzman

Photo by Scher Padilla

Photo by Rick Ben

Photo by James Angelo Aves

Photo by Mark Gatus

Photo by Michael Herrera Martinez

Photo by Etienne Denys

Toy Photography in the Philippines has a local community and can you join the group on Facebook as well as LIKE the Fan Page or follow them on Twitter at: @ToyPhotography

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