Monday, February 8, 2016

Secret Fresh | DevilRobots: The Collection!

02.08.2016 – Devilrobots is a 5-man team who created one of Japan’s popular television shows in TO-FU Oyako. They’ve been previous guests in major conventions in Asia. One notable appearance is at the first STGCC in 2008.

They’ve been popular with their creation and one of them Sinchiro Kitai is representing the team in an exclusive Secret Fresh exhibit in the Philippines that happened last night, which was dubbed “The Collection” that featured most of his work as well as the Devilrobots team in this exclusive event.

Sibchiro Kitai wa the honored guest from last night’s “The Collection” exhibition featuring his works of TO-FU Oyako and many more. This event is also sold out as most of his works where bought by collectors. If you missed the event and won’t have the chance to drop by and see all his works and collaboration with local artists see all the captured images from the gallery:

The Collection!” will be on exhibit until February 19, 2016 at the Secret Fresh Gallery located at the ground floor of Ronact Art Center along Ortigas Ave. For more inquires about the featured works LIKE Secret Fresh on Facebook, follow on Twitter at: @FreshManila

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