Sunday, March 27, 2016

Movie Review: "Batman V Superman!"

03.27.2016 – The much discussed topic over the week was “Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice.” Some would like it others have critically talked about the flaws of the film itself which divided a huge fan base the follow these popular characters.

Despite is mixed reactions at this time people are still lining up to catch the superhero blockbuster film. In the Philippines this is the summer blockbuster flick not everyone deserves to see as there selective individuals who might have opposing views.

When you put together Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman in the big screen there’s big reason why everyone would still see it despite the initial reviews by critics and hardcore fans. For those who appreciate are mostly seeing these DC Comics characters in live action is different from two-dimensional animation.

DC Comics itself has become a popular brand having these powerful characters have become something beyond its four color prints that introduce them several decades earlier. The comicbook reading public have invested in them to a popular degree most of them won’t even care to bother the narrative of the film itself. For most of them are driven with sheer emotion that the narrative becomes secondary until they see it for the second time and understands and sees what the film’s flaws addressed by earlier critics who have seen it prior to the screen date.

This is DC Entertainment’s second film following 2013’s Man of Steel in building their “DC Extended Universe” and you’ll understand the majority of the fans excitement when this was announced two years earlier. For the DC Comics purists its their time to shine and appreciate it despite the negativity of the film.

Too Dark to Handle

But for most casual viewers mostly there will be division among filmgoers and its understandable for some who does not read the source material. The tone of the film is very dark trying to create the same successful formula that made Christopher Nolan’s “Dark Knight Trilogy” successful with invested viewers of the DC films.

Some initial reaction have said that its too serious which is what they are trying to do to deviate from what Marvel has done with their “Marvel Cinematic Universe” as their rival for decades has the originator of putting together the most cohesive concept that most film production has followed suit.

Of course DC Comics’ rival had already a headstart making fans and viewers already invested in their characters. This appears to be a desperate situation for the studio to catch up and deviate from that established universe in making theirs separating their films and television in putting together their “Mutiverse” concept that has been their bread and butter when “Crisis on Infinite Earth” was created in 1985.

Wonderful Woman

Not everything is bad about “Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice” for it’s entirely the visuals are impressive, the action scenes are intense, and they have Wonder Woman. For months during the film’s announcement and revelation who would portray the Amazon Princess was very much criticized by the fans.

But Gal Gadot never shied away from all these because she had a ‘smaller heart’ she did embrace the character’s roots and made her an international sta. This is the part most women would be inspired by this character and she is the light at the end of the very dark film that most have been mixed.

Gadot’s portrayal and appearance to this film is a tease what bigger things to come whne the Wonder Woman solo movie gets off the ground. The majority everyone who have much talked about this movie is looking forward to the Wonder Woman adventure that definitely given mo of the DC hopefuls that its not the end.

Critically Insanely Optimistic

Overall “Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice” might have several bumpier roads to travel but it’s not the end for the DC Extended Universe as they will move forward to improve their flaws in this film to the next one. Zack Snyder have made many enemies today but as a filmmaker if this is one big chance for him to fail he also earned their respect for these characters as they say you can’t please everyone.

Looking ahead if you’ve seen this once it’s enough for you to appreciate other things DC Entertainment have. They may have challenges putting together their DC Extended Universe it’s just another multiverse so to speak they still have their television series that continues to define its own identity where their rival is still trying to figure out. If this film has failed you there’s the “Worlds Finest” on Supergirl that has more flashy way to appreciate DC Comics in the long run.

“Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice” is now playing in Philippine cinemas also in 3D and IMAX distributed by Warner Bros Pictures!


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