Saturday, May 21, 2016

5 Observations on Star Trek Beyond Trailer!

05.21.2016 – STAR TREK was not as highly sought after as the first time JJ Abrams wrapped his hands on the property nearly seven years ago. Since its reboot it has produced two movies and a third one about to launch in less than two months.

This time it will be helmed by Justin Lin for the fans it became a mixed reaction since the director has been more familiar with horror films and fast cars…

For almost six months a new trailer has been released online and comparing it to the first one this one has a level of gravitas as to the fans has reacted to un-Star Trek-like, and most have said that this should have been the one Paramount have released.

But with the new trailer there have been renewed questions, observations and somewhat mixed enthusiasm about this third instalment that is slowly losing its Star Trek feels that it has become something else.

It’s good that you’re not hearing the blast of Beastie Boys in the background, but more refined what Star Trek should be and here are some Warp-Factoring elements that have been revealed in the new trailer:

This was always have been Kirk’s Journey

From the very beginning going back to the first film this new STAR TREK is solely focused on James Tiberius Kirk, the boy who would become a man and become the captain of the most advanced flagship of Starfleet Command.

It goes back to the time Kirk has referenced that his father joining Starfleet because he believed on it and him joining because of a dare that brought him in this role as leader of the crew. Leonard “Bones” McCoy says Kirk joined so he can live up and spends all this time trying to be his father, now Kirk’s wondering what it means to be him.

The Enterprise gets destroyed… Again

How many times the Enterprise does needs to be trashed? If you look back at the first six films featuring the original cast the ship gets blown up once in Wrath of Khan, and get rebuilt but never gets blown up in every succeeding movie.

Justin Lin wants to do bold but honestly blowing up the Enterprise is not that interesting anymore finding out this time a swarm of alien ship just have to weave its way crashing inside and out that forced the crew to evacuate.

Fear of Death is Illogical

In “Into Darkness” Spock had a bigger role in the trailers being the guy taking down this alternate universe’s Khan Nooien Singh. This time he appears to be a conflicted Vulcan since his planet blown up in the first film, and since this is only the film’s second trailer the last one might give more screen time to the ship’s first officer.

But it more focuses on Kirk’s misadventures at the same time Spock questions the logic of fear as if having the Enterprise blew up several times. For this he appears to have PTSD trying to get things together.

Idris Elba looks like Jem'Hadar only scaley

It has been discussed and rumored what role Idris Elba will be portraying in STAR TREK Beyond. In the first trailer it doesn’t appear that the alien in question would have a speaking line until now.

Elba as the leader of the alien race that destroyed the Starfleet Command’s flagship Enterprise looks like one of those Jem-Hadar soldiers from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine only scaley and has swallowed a voice box when he speaks. But then again this is just the trailer there must be optimism what kind of threat he pose for the crew.

Is that an NX-Class Starship?

It has been 11 years since STAR TREK ENTERPRISE was cancelled, but the series had an influence in this film. Since the first mention of Captain Archer’s prized beagle being Montgomery Scott’s test subject for beaming to seeing the scale model of the NX-01 in the second film Into Darkness makes for nostalgia how that TV series was a huge part for this film.

But the last part of Beyond’s trailer sees the crew seemed to be using an NX-Class vessel that has the shape and appearance of the ‘original’ Enterprise that Captain Archer has commanded in the five seasons of the television series.

There have been mixed reactions but this time more optimism for STAR TREK Beyond has give a few hope that this film will be way better than the last one or even tops the one JJ Abrams has helmed as the director. Fans only hope and take a deep breathe to brace for it when this finally comes out on July 22, 2016.

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