Monday, May 30, 2016

Clock is Ticking in DC Universe: Rebirth #1!

05.30.2016 - This is not the first time DC has published a comicbook with the title “Rebirth” on its cover. Geoff Johns who wrote the latest game changing “DC Universe: Rebirth” is the proprietor who have given Green Lantern and The Flash they fresh look introduced to new readers at the same time staying true to the characters core values.

DCU's Rebirth is the same the publication is trying to right the ship after “New 52.” They brought back what the fans and its long time readers have been waiting for. It’s been a while that DC is making things right that has been long been discussed since its announcement.

There have already been articles and advance reviews of the book prior to its release and the first print have long been sold out, where the second print is on its way. Most of the narrative focuses on the original Wally West who was previously ‘benched’ by DC during its “New 52” years and finally just like Barry he has finally returned.

Besides Wally you get to see the old and new Blue Beetle in one panel, which is something readers are looking forward to see. The revelation that ten years was taken from this DCU is slowly coming back and revealing its new big bad that have already been talked about. But what’s right about this renewed interest for DCU is that some have been answered at the same new questions have been in the list of curiosity among the readers having revealed that the Superman from the original Crisis is back and now as parent of a son is similar to the way the late Earth-2 Superman and Lois Lane from the Golden Age was seen in Infinite Crisis.

This time around Superman, Lois Lane and their son will be around longer, but adds the question what happens to the second Lois Lane introduced in the “:New 52” same with the other Wally West? The other question is the three Jokers from three different eras exist in this DCU as well that boggle even the Batman’s mind.

But this is just the beginning for the ‘Rebirth’ of DCU not a reboot or re-imagined universe it’s the same world that also adds the question what happened to the Wildstorm characters that seen Zealot disappear. Are they going to have a separate Earth? There are more queries that certainly to be one of the stories next month. It looks like things are getting better for DC Comics and it appears that there’s Hope” and Optimism” in this comicbook that Geoff Johns meant when he was named the guy to right the DC Extended Universe after he fall out of BvS.

It sounded like a domino effect of good things is slowly happening for DC Comics or DC Entertainment as a whole and it starts with this comicbook that everyone us talking about in the social media.

Overall eighty pages of DC is worth every penny and its slowly gaining a lot of new readers at the same time bringing back the old ones who have lost interest before. Surely something worth seeing those new titled next month and it begins here!

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