Monday, May 16, 2016

Pugad Baboy Goes Political in Marcos Special!

05.16.2016 – The election season in the Philippines is slowly moving forward after the results of the votes is being announced last week. But during the peak of the elections there are some forms of local komiks that where given away in promoting the politician running for the presidency.

The komiks is not limited due to the election season they are also used in other forms such as advocacy as a form of information against diseases like the one the department of health has given away in physical form and also available online.

But this recent elections there where a lot of komiks that where given away as information of what the candidates has achieved in convincing anyone to vote for them. There are also some that where published to reveal the past which is part of what makes “Pugad Baboy” a popular comic strip that has been more than just the adventures of a talking dog named Polgas, but also a mix of ‘slice of life’ and political satire where much the topic for the “Pugad Baboy: Marcos Special” was the more controversial than your average villain of the week in some superhero comicbook.

This Pugad Baboy special was released sometime in April 2016 and was published by Freidrich Naumann Foundation it compiles the Marcos-related comic strip originally published in the Philippine Daily Inquirer where the series originally appeared. This book is more about telling Filipinos the atrocities of the Philippine Martial Law that was proclaimed by then President Ferdinand Marcos.

It was the dark times in the Philippines when this was proclaimed and that gave birth to the People Power Revolution. The comic strip is a political satire revealing not only the former president but also his family particularly the first lady Imelda Marcos.

The comic strip is humorous but entirely reveals the truth about the Marcos family since the son of the former president was running for Vice President in the recent election. This comicbook compiles everything that Pol Medina has drawn about the Marcos family and its relation to Philippine Martial Law. It contains twenty four pages that include the foreword by Jules Maaten, Country Director for FNF Philippines and it’s entirely in black and white.

This was given away during the Free Comic Book Day event held at the Fort BGC in Taguig on May 7, 2016 but it’s also sold in local bookstores and comic shops in Metro Manila. No details if this will be available in provinces. So far the interest for this book has gone viral due to the content regarding as a Marcos Special.

You’ll not miss the cover being entirely in pink where Adagulfo Sungal portraying Morpheus in The Matrix Trilogy offering you to choose either the blue or red pill with one Loyalist choosing the blue pill, while Polgas taking the red in a separate image.

Most of the content aside from the old strips published in Philippine Daily Inquirer there are also new ones that appeared exclusively on where the latest series of strips are now published. No cover price details appear on the front or back cover, but it was given away for free during Free Comic Book Day.

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