Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Secret Fresh | A Royal Tea Party

05.31.2016 – Adrian Evangelista is one of the rising visual artists in the industry having competed in art events and have his works been part of group shows has built an immense portfolio that takes him to his first solo show at Secret Fresh.

The collaboration brought you is latest masterpieces, which also launched his exclusive art toy based from the works that are now on exhibit at the Secret Fresh Gallery A, where you might want to a “Royal Tea Party” for this event.

Set in a back drop of royalty which evidently can be seen in the colors used as the background for Secret Fresh’s Gallery A. Its tone sets that Adrian Evangelista’s works is fit for royalty as his solo debut in collaboration with Secret Fresh.

Art pieces on the walls define his latest creations that truly gives a grandeur of feels that also brings you to a place where there’s a tea party happening. If you have missed Adrian Evangelista’s solo debut you can view the images below:

Royal Tea Party” will be on exhibit from May 29 to June 10, 2016 at the Secre Fresh Gallery A located at the ground floor of Ronact Art Center along Ortigas Ave. For more inquires about the featured works LIKE Secret Fresh on Facebook, follow on Twitter at: @FreshManila

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