Friday, May 13, 2016

Vinyl on Vinyl | Kingdom of Fiends

05.13.2016 – “Kingdom of Fiends” it’s the latest solo art show featuring James Esguerra which is a mixed of comics inspirations on an acid trip with Beavis and Butthead having a spectacular time jamming with Death Metal music.

Expect the content for this gallery is not-so child friendly, but then again if you have an open mind and try to be a responsible adult you’ll educate the young kid’s right that these works of fiction are only suitable to have parental guidance consent.

In this realm of imagination from James Esguerra, this is how you mash up loud screaming grunge music with adult stylized animation sprinkled comicbook trappings of a wild weird world that’s called “Kingdom of Fiends” a no nonsense hard edge creations that define ones expression.

A collection of colorful and dark tones of mixed media that defines Esguerra’s works as masterful stand out that pushes the logic. You’ve got everything a super villain would appreciate if Doctor Doom was real and if Motorhead was sober.

It’s a crazy world created by a visual artist not bound by its chains, but unleashes what makes “Kingdom of Fiend” such a world not meant for the cuteness of the Staypuff Marshmallow Man and if you missed this show you’ll be surprise how difficult to navigate through the small section of Vinyl on Vinyl just how well received Esguerra’s work was when it was launched last night.

If you haven’t seen it here’s a glimpse of that particular realm that would challenge your imagination and witness the “Kingdom of Fiends” below:

'Kingdom of Fiends' a solo show featuring James Esguerra will run From May 12 to June 4, 2016. For more details about the art being exhibit visit Vinyl on Vinyl art gallery located at 2135 warehouse II 2nd floor, Chino Roces Avenue Pasong Tamo, Makati City.

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