Sunday, June 5, 2016

Independence Day: Resurgence Poster Art Reveal!

06.05.2016 – “Independence Day: Resurgence” is really happening after 20 years it’s finally a done deal sequel. Just like the original it packs a punch that any alien that is set to attack Earth has not felt in the past two decades.

20th Century Fox reveals the official theatrical poster art that you’ll be seeing in cinemas globally. The poster reminisces and incorporates some of the original elements from the first film, but gets a wider perspective on the concept.

Taking a closer look on the theatrical poster you’ll see that the alien mother ship that’s going to hover over Earth is not the one you’ve seen in the original. But certainly the details have some similar elements.

If you’re into collecting movie posters this seems to be one of those things you might want to have it framed beside the original. Probably you’ve not seen it upclose or the light obscure the glass encased poster in the theatre. But all you need to see how this one tops it up for a poster art that looks like it can destroy Earth.

“Independence Day: Resurgence” opens June 22, 2016 in cinemas from 20th Century Fox to be distributed by Warner Bros. Available in 2D, 3D and IMAX screens across the Philippines.

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