Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Wonder Woman #1 | The Lies...

06.21.2016 – Wonder Woman is set to celebrate 75 years and the Amazon Princess is set to get her first solo film in 2017 as portrayed by Gal Gadot who already made her first screen debut in “Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice” early this year.

Perhaps it was also what made that film something to cheer about. In the comicbooks DC has put a creative team post-DC Universe Rebirth that would clear things up about her origins. Greg Rucka and Liam Sharp were announced to be the creative team to handle the series with Frank Cho as their variant cover artist.

There’s optimism with everything DC Comics has been doing for the past month launching DCU Rebirth with Geoff John at the helm and bringing a promising creative team for Wonder Woman that surely making things slowly interesting as this is something new for those former and new readers to follow up on the adventure of Diana Prince and her friends.

The first few pages are stunningly impressive and Liam Sharp who is probably the right man to handle the art choirs...

Frank Cho adds spice on the variant cover that would definitely turn a lot of heads, bur Greg Rucka’s narrative certainly will keep this book in the right direction has got some non-Wonder Woman fans quite a buzz.

Though this is just the first issue it sets up a story arc that has been talked about prior to the book’s release. This sets the ‘Year One’ story origin for Wonder Woman as things gets slowly aligned regarding her heritage and origin of the character that has been around for seventy five years. Its been a long time coming for Wonder Woman to go back to her beginnings and take her to a new generation of readers who are anticipating her first live action film since her classic TV series that featured Linda Carter as Diana Prince.

In this issue we see her travel to the remote jungles of Okarango Region Bwunda, Banakane Rainforest in search of things that has ponders her mind as shown in the pages of DCU Rebirth. It’s the first part of “The Lies’ as she scour the jungle in search for answers to those questions at the same time a military team is sent to the same place she’s headed to and in that group it was led by Steve Trevor who he hasn’t seen in a long time. Back in the jungle Diana is giving the jungle dwellers the chance to talk and sought her personal inquiry.

But things are not what they may seem and suspense in every page Sharp throws around is glorious as the way Rucka manages to stir some interesting scenes in this book. The dark colors give bit of an edge to this book why its going to be one of the titles of DC to look forward to each month.

The revelation towards the last page will lead you to a surprise unexpectedly and you won’t find it here to be spoiled about it. But certainly this is the book you should get if not for the art of Liam Sharp, but the optimism surrounded by the story that Greg Rucka is writing and it will be one to get to your shop each month.


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