Monday, July 25, 2016

G.I. Joe #64 | Maneuvering for Position

07.25.2016 – For now going back to the classics that Marvel published back in the day as its featured comicbook. This month taking spotlight is G.I.Joe comicbooks that where published by Marvel from 1982 to 1984, but we’re not going to review the entire run. Though we’ll hand pick some interesting issues and give insight why it’s a significant feature for this month.

This will be random pick that will be getting a look and for the first time we browse back to October 1987 cover date with G.I. Joe #64, which is written by Larry Hama with pencils by Ron Wagner, cover art done by Mike Zeck.

In this issue we’ll divide the ongoing story arc and give you an idea why this issue is the classic pick for the month. First off the title of this issue is “Maneuvring for Position” as this mostly focused on the character that mostly is in the cover.

You see the Baroness and Serpentor staring at Cobra Commander in his Battle Armor uniform, which was also introduced in the Hasbro toyline when “G.I. Joe: The Movie” was released also in 1987.

This is one of iconic covers in the G.I Joe comicbooks as it imply the title of the book, which gives you an idea that Cobra Commander is retaking the leadership from Serpentor.

The Cover Story

In 2008 when Hasbro continue to release classic figures for their 25th Anniversary after its debut with new sculpt and body design they also released the comic packs with alternate colors from the regular carded figures. The comic packs of course are based on the comic colors of the characters that were featured in the series published by Marvel. But this is not limited to the classic comics they also published original stories also written by Larry Hama with revolving artist filling in.

But for G.I. Joe #64 it gets a modern treatment by being reprinted as one of the comic packs. The figures that came with this comicbook are Cobra Commander and Gung-Ho both in their comicbook colors. The original cover though gets ‘remastered’ by artist Greg Horn as painting, which is one of the classic covers to get this treatment that was original done by Mike Zevk when it was originally published by Marvel.

Arching Adventures, Intrigue, and Mystery

There have been three storylines running in this issue. Chiefly among them is the primary cover story, which features the return of Cobra Commander, but revealed behind the scenes as Fred VII, the Crimson Guard who accompanied the real Commander in the previous issue.

The grand entrance for Fred VII in his POGO Ballistic Battle Ball was explosive in the first few pages that put a nerve on the Cobra Emperor, Serpentor. It was quite the opposite in the animated series when Cobra Commander is losing his leadership from Serpentor. Larry Hama crafted an interesting twist in the comicbooks that’s more geared to older readers than the ones who only knew the animated series.

This was quite a revelation when the Baroness came to prove that this Cobra Commander is the real deal, but as the main title says there are actually two people ‘maneuvering for position.’ Fred VII, who actually lied to the Baroness that the Commander decided to move on with his life, and taken care of his son Billy Arboc. But the truth is in the previous issue he killed and buried him, while in believing Fred VII’s story the Baroness was also making a move becoming his silent partner.

The other two story arcs continue also from the previous issue. The one with Snake-Eyes and Scarlett on their mission to save their fellow Joes have them accompanied by the Blind Master a character never seen in the original cartoon, but well-known in the comicbook realm. This arc was an intense but short scene of action where they’ve been chased by the Mafia in Europe, which also feature how skilful the Blind Master really is with the ‘Pin Ball.’

Finally the other story arc in this issue is the new recruits that feature Chuckles, Psych-Out, and other characters that where prominent in the G.I. Joe: The Movie. But the interesting part is the mystery when two Joes in their space suit walk in saying ‘they almost crushed’ the vehicles that where parked outside.

More of the story focus on Chuckles and Psych-Out trying to investigate what it is as they’re access as a G.I.Joe was not given clearance to the gigantic vehicle that landed near their bunker. It’s quite noting the old stories like this hold great memories for those who grew up reading comicbooks and this is the reason why this one of the best in the bunch that Larry Hama has written aside from creating the biocards for each fo the characters this was a fun read too.

Maneuvring for Good Reads

G.I. Joe #64 may not be so important for some but its one of many comicbooks that stayed fresh with simple narratives and a great art by Ron Wagner. But what make this issue is eye catching which was done by Mike Zeck that you’ll not missed it. But if you have the comic pack version its also good too as the reprint edition that included two figures is ‘remastered’ for you to appreciate and for the older readers to reacquaint with the nostalgia.

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